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Journey to Front Splits

Now: $14.49

Normally: $28.99



Do the front splits seem elusive to you?


Are you seeing Instagram yogis posting their flexibility photos and want to learn where to begin? Are your hamstrings and hips tight or do you have low back pain?


Look no further!


This training program will help STRENGTHEN as well as increase flexibility to prevent injury in your splits (we don’t want to over-stretch your muscles!)


When you just hold a static stretch without strengthening the muscles and joints, there is a far greater chance of injury, and we want to reduce that to ZERO while getting you to your deepest splits yet!


This guide is divided into sections: dynamic release, stretching (static holds), muscle activation/strengthening (active flexibility). We’ve seen the greatest and safest benefits from working these tools.


Let’s begin!

  • Where or how do I start practicing yoga?
    You can start here! This our favorite place to begin because it will teach you alignment and progressions to help prevent injury and get to where you want to go
  • Who could benefit from these ebooks?
    Anyone looking to start their yoga practice or advance their current practice with modifications and progressions either in the comfort of their own home or a studio setting (or supplement an existing movement practice to gain flexibility + strength in body and mind)
  • What are the benefits of yoga?
    Increased flexibility, strength, balance, proprioception, improved circulation, posture, clarity of mind, reduced anxiety/stress, better digestion, energy, vitality, sleep, mood, injury prevention, weight loss, cardiovascular health - the list goes on!
  • I want to practice alongside live videos, do you have something like that?"
    Our friends at How to Practice Yoga have an amazing video platform for all levels of practice - check them out!
  • What's your refund policy?
    Due to the digital nature of our products, no refunds can be issued. Please contact us if you have any trouble with your order.
  • How will I receive my purchase?
    Our ebooks are delivered to you in the form of a beautifully designed PDFs that you can read on your computer, print out or upload to your tablet to read on the go. Once your purchase, you will receive an email containing your download link as well as instructions on how to upload your ebook to your mobile device.

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" I’m really happy with the guide Liz has created you can tell she put in a lot of hard work, passion and dedication into her practice and now a book for us! I can’t wait to start and grow maybe one day I’ll be as good as her!"


"This guide is so helpful for my journey for flexibility, health, and inspiration! The book is wonderfully formatted... the tutorial pictures are clear and easy to follow... I love the what, why, and how’s that are included for every subject.... 10/10 would recommend!"


"This is the first flexibility guide I have EVER bought and after looking through it, I am extremely happy I did. It is detailed and makes everything very clear to understand... Thank you for taking the time to create this guide. WORTH EVERY PENNY!

The Back Pain Relief, Touch Your Toes/Forward Folds, Backbends, Front Splits, Core, Handstand, & Flexibility eBook Bundle (Bonus: Manifestation Guide)

Now: $79.99

Total Value: $214.04

Flexibility Bundle (Flexibility, Backbends, Front Splits & Touch Your Toes/Forward Folds Guide)
new flexibility bundle cover.JPG

Now: $49.99

Normally: $115.96